start healing today


Your soulful coach is here to guide you on a transformative journey to healing and living with joy and purpose.

Your life experience is unique and your wellness should be too.

Holistic health coaching completely customized to you

I believe that every individual's wellness journey is as unique as their life story. Drawing from my own experiences and a deep understanding of holistic health, I craft personalized wellness plans that honor your individuality. Whether you're looking to heal, grow, or simply live with more intention, my approach is tailored to support your specific needs and goals. Together, we’ll create a path to wellness that resonates with who you truly are.

make health personal

In everything we do, we value...


Definition: Encouraging women to take charge of their health and well-being

Empowerment is at the heart of our mission. We provide the tools, education, and resources you need to make informed, confident health decisions that align with your personal wellness goals.


Definition: Honoring and respecting the body's natural processes.

We advocate for body positivity and self-love. Our products and practices are designed to support your body’s natural health, encouraging you to embrace and respect your unique physical form.

Definition: Integrating physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

We believe in the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit. Our approach ensures that all practices and products we offer harmonize these aspects, fostering a balanced and fulfilling life.



Definition: Cultivating a deep relationship with nature

Nature is at the core of our wellness philosophy. We integrate natural elements into daily practices, use eco-friendly and sustainable ingredients, and encourage a lifestyle that honors and preserves our planet.

cycle synchrony

Definition: Aligning lifestyle choices with natural hormone cycles

Understanding and respecting the rhythms of the body is vital. Through our coaching and products, we guide you in making lifestyle choices that align with your natural cycles, particularly in tune with menstrual health.


Definition: Building a supportive and inclusive community

We are stronger together. Our community is a space for sharing, learning, and supporting one another’s wellness journeys, ensuring that no one feels alone in their pursuit of health and happiness.

My story is probably not too different from yours

Growing up in a small town

personal, familial, and communAL

And then the comments came...

At 10 years old I started receiving comments about how much I was eating and unsolicited advice on how I should start losing weight... AT 10 YEARS OLD!

The shame and guilt around food and my body festered for years.  At the height of my eating disorder, I starved and punished myself down to just

800 calories + 2 intense workouts a day.

I was wasting away before my own eyes, chronically tired, lacking the fire for life I once had... And I decided it needed to change. 

Growing up in a small town, the close-knit community played a big role in shaping my early experiences, especially around food and body image. In my hometown, there was often a strong emphasis on appearance, and like many others, I witnessed how these societal pressures impacted the women around me, including my own family. These experiences deeply influenced my relationship with food and my body.

I wanted to FEEL good, not just in body, but in LIFE.

I yearned for a life filled with intention—one where I wasn’t held back by negative thoughts about my body. I wanted to feel whole, so I could give fully to those I love and live from a place of abundance, not scarcity.

So I embarked on a journey of healing.

I began by exploring my relationship with food and examining the beliefs I held about my body and self-worth. This journey led me to confront my own past experiences, as well as the broader societal messages that shaped how I viewed health and wellness.

As I started to embrace a holistic approach to health—addressing not just my body, but also my mind, emotions, and spirit—everything began to change. I gained sustainable energy and clarity, and I learned to listen to and trust my body’s signals. My self-perception shifted, and I began to love and care for myself in a way I hadn’t before.

This journey taught me the power of healing from within, and how essential it is to focus on how we feel and live, rather than just how we look. When we prioritize this holistic approach, we unlock a confidence and strength that is truly transformative.

Witnessing the profound changes in my own life, I felt called to help others achieve the same. For the past 6 years, I’ve been guiding others on their own wellness journeys, offering support in nutrition, fitness, and holistic health.

By earning my Holistic Health Coaching Certification and working towards a Masters in Public Health, I’ve deepened my practice to focus on helping others, especially women, break free from the cycles of disordered eating and self-doubt. I aim to empower my clients to reclaim their health, heal from past trauma, and build a positive self-image rooted in holistic wellness.

I expanded my knowledge about health as a multifaceted and integrative experience.

Through a personalized approach to holistic health, women can cultivate and sustain a positive, connected relationship with their bodies, food, and beliefs—promoting a life of alignment, gratitude, and intentional living.

let's heal together

A  few of my favorite things...

Getting Outside for Nature Walks

There’s nothing like a good walk in the fresh air to clear my head. I love being surrounded by trees and just soaking in the peace that nature brings. It’s my go-to way to hit the reset button.

Hosting Dinner Parties with Friends

I’m all about gathering my favorite people for a cozy dinner. Good food, great conversation, and lots of laughs—that’s my idea of a perfect evening. There’s something so special about connecting over a meal.

Hanging Out with My Cats

Cooking Up Something Delicious

Cooking is my happy place. I love experimenting in the kitchen and whipping up meals that are full of flavor and made with love. Whether it’s a new recipe or an old favorite, cooking always brings me joy.

My two cats are basically my little shadows. Whether they’re purring on my lap or chasing something imaginary around the house, they always know how to make me smile. They’re my daily dose of happiness.

Work  with a coach that understands

see how we can help

Our Womb Wellness Collection is a curated series of four herbal teas, each crafted to support a specific phase of your hormonal cycle. These teas are made with locally harvested herbs, ensuring that you receive the freshest, most potent ingredients nature has to offer. Each blend is designed to nurture your body, balance your hormones, and promote overall well-being throughout your cycle. Experience the benefits of natural, cycle-synchronized care, thoughtfully created to empower your journey to holistic wellness.

Our holistic health coaching is more than just advice—it's a journey tailored to your unique needs, designed to empower you with a deep understanding of your body. We focus on creating harmony between your physical, emotional, and mental well-being, guiding you through sustainable practices that align with your life’s intentions. With empathy and support at the forefront, we help you cultivate a lasting, positive relationship with your body, leading to a life of balance, gratitude, and true fulfillment.

Join us for a variety of wellness events designed to nourish your mind, body, and spirit. From immersive workshops and intimate tea parties to ongoing community support, our events provide a space to connect, learn, and grow together. Each event is crafted with care, fostering a sense of belonging and empowering you on your holistic wellness journey.

Halle, 24

“Because of Taelyr and her healing presence, I feel more capable and understood in an area of my life that I felt nervous to open up about. I feel excited to eat! I have the energy to get through my days! I understand the language of my body more fully! I’m confident when going to the grocery store! I love how I feel when I move intentionally! I feel less guilt even when I do fall out of my routines and more empowered to give myself the patience and grace I deserve. Work with Taelyr - you truly won’t regret it!”

I feel more capable and understood in an area of my life that I felt nervous to open up about.

Caitlyn, 24

“A lot of people don’t want to talk about food because we have been conditioned to think about it through a framework of shame, Taelyr flips the traditional diet culture narrative on its head. She makes me feel comfortable talking about food and nutrition and helps me feel excited about making plans that work for my lifestyle. She has truly inspired me to lean into intuitive eating practices. Taelyr’s expertise in holistic health and wellness combined with her passion for serving others in her community makes her the ideal Health Coach.”

Taelyr flips the traditional diet culture narrative on its head.